====== medAL-suite Incident Management ====== Any issues -whatever the level of urgency- should be logged onto ProofHub to facilitate their troubleshooting, ensure a follow-up and keep a log of all bugs and modifications. In case of critical issues that would disrupt the operations and prevent people from working with any component of the medAL-suite, a ProofHub ticket is still required. In order for the Unisanté team to manage a critical incident, please also use the communication channels below. //__Slack__ would be the __fastest way__ to reach somebody.// If you are unable to use Slack, please send us an email. ==== ProofHub ==== [[https://dynamic-project.proofhub.com/]] ==== Slack ==== - First person to reach out to: Gregory Martin - First backup: Sylvain Schaufelberger / Renzo Scuderi - Second backup: Vincent Faivre - Third backup: Alan Vonlanthen [[http://unisante-it.slack.com]] ==== E-mail ==== To: medal-suite(at)unisante.ch