medAL-data Troubleshooting Guide

I Cannot Login to medAL-data

First, make sure that you entered the right email address and password. If you lost your password, you can still reset it. If you are still unable to enter your credentials, this issue can happen for different reasons:

The Specified Account Does not Exist

If the account you are trying to access does not exist, contact an administrator to create a new account, and give you the desired role. Alternatively, you can still create your own account, but you will need to contact an administrator to give you the desired permissions.

The Specified Account Does not Exist (default account)

If you encounter this problem while trying to login to one of the default email addresses, it may be the case that the database has not yet been seeded. An administrator should seed the database, run:

sudo dokku enter <app_name> web php artisan db:seed

I can't access specific page OR I'm seeing the "You are not authorized" error message

If you encounter this problem, and you think you should be able to access this page. It might be that the database lacks permissions or the assignment of permissions is incorrect. An administrator should repair the permission:

sudo dokku enter <app_name> web php artisan permission:fix

I'm Stuck at the Two-Factor Authentication Step

If you lost your 2FA code, and cannot successfully login at the registration step, notice that you can logout by clicking on Abort authentication. Contact an administrator to reauthenticate your 2FA secret. You will receive an email with the new code, and follow this procedure to setup Google Authenticator.

Two-Factor Authentication Is not Enabled on your Account

If the Two-factor authentication strategy is not enabled for your account or if you have a error 500 after entering your password, contact an administrator to generate a new secret for you.

I Lost my Two-Factor Authentication Code

If you cannot login to medAL-data because you lost your two-factor authentication credentials, you should contact an administrator to reauthenticate your 2FA secret. You will receive an email with the new code, and follow this procedure to setup Google Authenticator.

My 2FA OTP code is not recognized when I try to login

Make sure that the clock of the device running Google Authenticator (or whatever two-step verification software you are using) is set to “Automatic (provided by the network)”