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medAL-data User Guide

This page gathers all the informations needed to use the medAL-data web application as a user.

Register a User

To register as a new user, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the url <medal-data-url>/register.
  2. Enter your Full name, email, password, and confirm your password.
  3. Click on Register.
  4. Setup Google Authentication. You can find the procedure here.
  5. Click on Complete Registration, you should now be logged in.
  6. Finally, contact an administrator to assign your account to a given role.

Reset your Own Password

To reset your own password, make sure to be logged in to medAL-data and follow these steps:

  1. On the home page, click on Change password.
  2. Enter our current password in the Enter Current Password field.
  3. Enter your new desired password in the Enter New Password field.
  4. Click on Change password.

Setup Google Authenticator

Install a Compatible Application

To setup two-factor authentication on your device, install a Google Authenticator compatible app. Some currently available apps are:

  • Authy for iOS, Android, Chrome, OS X
  • FreeOTP for iOS, Android and Pebble
  • Google Authenticator for iOS
  • Google Authenticator for Android
  • Google Authenticator (port) on Windows Store
  • Microsoft Authenticator for Windows Phone
  • LastPass Authenticator for iOS, Android, OS X, Windows
  • 1Password for iOS, Android, OS X, Windows

Add a New Session Using a Setup Key

To add a new session using a setup key, follow these steps (described using the application Google Authenticator for Android).

  1. Click on +.
  2. Click on Enter a setup key.
  3. Enter your account name and the key that was sent by email.
  4. Click on Add.

Add a New Session Using a QR Code

To add a new session using a setup key, follow these steps (described using the application Google Authenticator for Android).

  1. Click on +.
  2. Click on Scan a QR code.
  3. Scan the QR code.

Health Facility Setup

Health Facility Creation

To setup a health facility, follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser and navigate to your medAL-data server URL.
  2. Login with a user having accesses to health facilities.
  3. Go to the Health Facilities section.
  4. Click on Create New Health Facility:
    • Enter basic informations such as Name, Country, Area, enter your area, Longitude and Latitude.
    • Under Architecture, you can choose between the following values:
      • Standalone: The tablets will work by themselves and send data directly to medAL-data.
      • Client Server: The medAL-hub IP will need to be filled in so the tablets will connect to it to retrieve and send data.
    • Under medAL-hub IP, enter your medAL-hub IP to allow the tablets to connect to it.
    • Under Pin Code, you can set the PIN code that the tablets will ask for when opening medAL-reader.
  5. Click on Create New Health Facility.
  6. Your new health facility should appear in the list.

Device Assignment

To assign a Device to a health facility, follow these steps:

  1. Look for your health facility in the healt facility's list.
  2. Click on Devices.
  3. A window will open up allowing to assign free devices to this health facility.

Algorithm & Version Assignment

You will now need to setup an algorithm and a version for your health facility. Follow these steps:

  1. Look for your health facility in the healt facility's list.
  2. Click on Algorithms.
  3. Under Choose Algorithm, choose the desired algorithm.
  4. Under Choose a version, choose the desired version.
  5. Click on Assign. This may take some time to process.
  6. Once done, you can close the window.

Edit Health Facility

To edit an already existing health facility, follow this procedure:

  1. Look for your health facility in the healt facility's list.
  2. Click on Edit.
  3. You can edit some fields. Once done, click on Submit.
medal-data/user-guide.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/10 14:58 by arnaud_poletto