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Procedure to Retrieve a Single Consent File (Extended)

Objective: Retrieve a single consent file by navigating to the patients page and searching for a specific patient using first name, middle name, last name, and birthdate. Optionally, navigate to the medical cases page to find the corresponding medical case associated with a specific health facility. Copy the `patient uid`, connect to the server, and use `scp` to copy the file locally.


1. Navigate to Patients Page:

  1. Login to medal data.
  2. Navigate to the patients page: `<medal-data-url>/patients`.

2. Search for Patient:

  1. Use the search functionality on the Patients page to find the specific patient.
  2. Enter the patient's first name, middle name, last name, or birthdate in the search fields.
  3. Review the search results to locate the correct patient.
  4. You can order it by `SN` to have a chronological order

3. More options to retrieve the patient:

  1. Use the search functionality on the Medical Cases page to find cases associated with a specific health facility.
  2. Enter the health facility's name in the search fields.
  3. Order the search results by date of creation to help locate the desired medical case.
  4. Or search for a specific date and order the results by health facilities

4. Copy Patient ID:

  1. In the Patients search page, copy the `patient uid` associated with the patient whose consent file you want to retrieve.
  2. In the Patients detail page, copy the `Patient Id`
  3. In the Medical Cases search page, copy the `Belongs to patient id`

5. Connect to the Server:

  1. Open a terminal on your local machine.

6. Copy File Locally with `scp`:

  1. Use the following `scp` command, replacing the variables with the appropriate values:
  1. Replace `REMOTE_USER` with the actual remote username.
  2. Replace `REMOTE_SERVER` with the actual remote server address.
  3. Replace `SOURCE_PATH` with the path where the image is stored on the server.
  4. Replace `PATIENT_UID` with the copied `patient uid`. Example : c70d3537-7d9d-4462-869b-ffdswbd013c8_image.jpg
  5. Replace `DESTINATION_PATH` with the local path where you want to copy the image.

Expected Results: The specified patient's consent file should be successfully located and retrieved. The file should be copied locally using `scp` with the correct variables replaced.

medal-data/icf-single.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/12 13:27 by Sylvain