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Create a New Issue

To create a new issue on Proofhub, follow these steps:

  1. Under Projects, click on medAL-suite issues > Tasks.
  2. Choose where you want to post the new issue by clicking on medAL-creator, medAL-reader, medAL-hub or medAL-data. If you cannot see them, make sure that you are looking at Active projects instead of Archived ones.
  3. If you are on Board View, click on + Add Task, otherwise if you are on Table View, click on Add task and hit enter/return key.
  4. Write a title and describe the issue with as many details as possible.
    1. To specify a due date, click on the calendar icon.
    2. To specify assignees, click on the person icon.
    3. To attach files to the issue, click on the paper clip icon.
    4. To add a label, click on the tag icon.
  5. Finally, click on Done or press Enter.
proofhub.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/10 14:14 by arnaud_poletto